HIL Testing

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Hardware In the Loop (HIL) Testing

HIL Background

Hydraulic valves come in many varieties. They can be spool-type or poppet-type, actuated manually, electrically, hydraulically, or with a pilot line, they can be industrial or mobile, open center or closed center, single stage or multi-stage, closed loop or open loop, proportional or directional, pressure compensated, pulse width modulated, linear or nonlinear, or possess a variety of the above mentioned or other characteristics. In a typical hydraulic system, it is often the valves that contain the most sophisticated mechanisms and exhibit the most complex dynamic behavior, which can be difficult or even impossible to model accurately based solely upon first principles.

When an accurate model of the valve is required, however, the input-output relationships can be obtained empirically from a Hardware-In-the-Loop simulation. Such a simulation involves connecting the valve in question between a driving pump and driven load, which are each carefully controlled in such a way to simulate either the normal, or a hypothetical, working environment. The results of these simulations can then be useful in design and prediction of the overall system performance.

In this project, a HIL simulation was conducted to characterize the dynamic performance of the Sauer-Danfoss PVG32 electrohydraulic proportional valve. The results are given below.

For detailed information on how the HIL testing was setup and run, see the HIL Operator's Manual.

Hardware-in-the-loop system

PVG32 Data Collected

The PVG32 valve was installed into the HIL Simulator and both sinusoidal and step response tests were conducted. The input was the control signal [V] sent to the valve's driving electronics, and the output was the position of the Temposonics linear transducer. The fixed sine tests were run between 1.0Hz and 8.8Hz at 0.2Hz intervals using an input amplitude of 50% full signal to the valve. The magnitude [dB] and phase [o] were averaged over a ten second interval at 1kHZ sampling rate for each frequency. The magnitude and phase is plotted vs. frequency [Hz] in the figure to the right.

Because the desired linear model was to related flow rate to the control signal, and position (ie integrated flow) was measured, the magnitude data was multiplied by jw in the frequency domain and the phase data was shifted by +90o before plotting.

PVG32 Fixed-Sine Bode Plot

Curve Fit Model

At first, the PVG32 fixed sine data was fit with a 3rd order linear model. However, the PVG32 possesses many nonlinear characteristics that would invalidate the linear model over all but a tiny range of operating conditions. One of these dominant nonlinearities is the steady state gain. It was observed that the steady state gain was loosely related to the time averaged input over a small period. This effect was modeled in Simulink, and the results are presented below. More information on this work is given in the Fall 2003 presentation.

3rd order linear curve fit

PVG32 schematic
also see the PVG32 specifications

Nonlinear valve model

Step Response Validation

The plots to the right illustrate the PBG32 step response. The experimental data is compared with the model prediction. As can be seen in the plots, the non-linear steady state gain accounts well for the varying step sizes as compared to the linear model.

PVG32 step response

Frequency Response Validation

The plots to the right illustrate the sinusoidal data taken from the PVG32, compared with the model predictions for the same input signals. Although the model fits the data fairly well, further work is needed in this area, to include a more detailed description of the actual nonlinear dynamics.

PVG32 sinusoidal time response