Robotics and controls; new product development; technical consulting.
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering - 2010
M.S. Mechanical Engineering - 2007
MOT - Management of Technology Certificate - 2008
Major: System Dynamics and Controls.
Minors: Robotics; Management
Dr. Wayne Book
Research Contributions:
Advance the knowledge of adaptive “human-in-the-loop” optimal control theory, and quantify the revolutionary, practical, and relevant benefits to the field of hydraulic construction machines.
Research Topics:
Hydraulic Hardware in the Loop Simulation, Control System Design, Independent Metering Valve Control, Fluid Power System Design, Hydro-mechanical System Modeling and Real-time Simulation
Select Courses:
Linear, Digital, Optimal (Aerospace), Adv. Controller Design, Motion
Control Lab, Applied Nonlinear (Audit), Nonlinear (Audit), Applied System
Identification, Filtering and Estimation
Dynamics, Vibrations, Mechatronics, Machine Vision,
Modeling/Simulation in Design, Algorithmic Mechanics/Differential
Geometry Methods in Robot Dynamics (Audit)
Managing Resources of Technological Firms, Collaborative Product
Development, Analysis of Emerging Technologies, Strategic Operations
GPA: 4.0/4.0; GRE: 5.5/6 (AW), 530 (V), 800 (Q) (92 percentile)
Georgia Tech President’s Fellowship and Woodruff Fellowship, 2005-2009 (awarded to top incoming graduate students)
ARCS (Achievement Rewards for College Scientists) Scholar, 2009-2010 (awarded for impact in academic setting)
Received highest overall score on Ph.D. qualifying exams, Sp. 2007
B.S. Engineering Physics; Magna Cum Laude; Science Honors - 2005
Thesis Title: Design and Optimization of an Autonomous, Roving Hazardous Materials Sampler
Select Courses:
Analytical Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, Modern Physics, Electrodynamics, Solid State Physics, Experimental Physics
Analog, Digital, Circuit Theory
Liberal Arts:
Philosophy of Science, Ethics, Spanish, Critical Thinking/Analysis
GPA: 3.92/4.0
Member, Sigma Pi Sigma National Physics Honor Society (academic merit, faculty vote)
NNU College of Science “Dean’s Award for Exemplary Example of Academic Excellence, Creative Engagement, and Social Responsiveness”, 2005 (one award annually)
G.C. Ford Scholarship in Physics, 2002-05 (competitive scholarship, one award annually)
Hands-on, pragmatic expertise in prototyping and debugging
mechanical, hydraulic and electronic systems
Analysis Tools: MATLAB, LabVIEW, Excel (plus VBA Programming), ModelCenter, C++
Simulation and Design Tools: AutoCAD, SolidWorks, SIMULINK, Arena (process modeling), Dymola/Modelica (multi-domain
modeling/simulation), MSC.ADAMS
Real-time Control and Automation: xPC Target, LabVIEW Real Time, microcontrollers, Siemens PLC
Controls of flexible systems, linear motors, hydraulic pumps/motors/cylinders, and servo motors (up to 60 HP)
Expert knowledge of Microsoft tools (VBA, PowerPoint, Excel, Word)
“Soft Skills”: adaptability, public speaking, entrepreneurial experience, team leadership, and consulting (selected
among national applicants to participate in "A Bridge to BCG", a
multi-day workshop hosted by the Boston Consulting Group)
Responsible for overhauling a large construction machine with an
experimental electro-hydraulic control system; part of a
time-critical prototype system for a major equipment
manufacturer. A unique opportunity with much responsibility.
Designed, Organized, Performed vehicle performance experiments
Developed custom software for analysis of experimental data
Managed resources to teardown and rebuild
the hydraulic control system
Teaching Associate for Motion Control, a course focused on
advanced control theory in the context of factory automation.
Students apply in-class theory to lab projects. As a Teaching
Associate I:
Wrote and Delivered five lectures; student feedback ranked
lectures 9.5/10 for effectiveness and relevance
Crafted weekly three-hour labs providing exposure to motion
control and automation systems
Completed a unique 12-week “Teaching Practicum” seminar, focusing
on topics related to engineering education, professional
development, effective cross-functional collaboration, and workplace
Enes, A., Book, W., "Optimal Point-to-Point Motion of Velocity Constrained Manipulators", IEEE Proc. of CDC2010: Conference on Decision and Control, Atlanta, GA, 2010.
Enes, A., Book, W., "Towards Shared Control of Hydraulic Excavators", 6th Fluid Power Network International Ph.D. Symposium,
West Lafayette, IN, 2010. (voted a top-5 paper)
Enes, A., Book, W., "Blended Shared Control of Zermelo's
Navigation Problem", Proc. of ACC2010: American Control Conference,
Baltimore, MD, 2010.
Enes, A., Elton, M., Book, W., "A Virtual Reality Operator
Interface Station with Hydraulic Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation for
Prototyping Excavator Control Systems", IEEE Proc. of AIM2009: Advanced
Intelligent Mechatronics, Singapore, 2009.
Crane, J., Enes, A., Ewenczyk, B., Janet, L., Rathi, R., Teague,
J., "The ArtStack Story", Product Development and Management
Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 2009. (winner, best paper
Enes, A., Book, W., "A Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation Testbed
For Emulating Hydraulic Loads Representing The Complete Dig Cycle Of
A Construction Machine", Proc. of IMECE2008: International
Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Boston, MA, 2008.
Enes, A., Hsu, T., Sodemann, A., "New Command Shaping Methods for
Reduced Vibration of a Suspended Payload with Constrained Trolley
Motion", Proc. of IMECE2007: International Mechanical
Engineering Congress and Exposition, Seattle, WA, 2007.
Poster Presentations at Industry Conferences
Enes, A., Book, W., "Shared Control of Hydraulic Excavators to
Improve Energy Efficiency", Poster at the Meeting of the Center for
Compact and Efficient Fluid Power, Minneapolis, MN, 2009.
Enes, A., Book, W., “Experiments using the Hydraulic Hardware in
the Loop Testbed”, Poster at the Meeting of the Center for Compact
and Efficient Fluid Power, Milwaukee, WI, 2008.
Enes, A., Book, W., “Extensions to Independent Metering Valve
Technology with Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation”, Poster at the
National Fluid Power Association Economic and Educational Outlook
Summit, Chicago, IL, 2007.
Enes, A., Wang, L., Book, W., “Designing a Hardware in the Loop
Testbed for Emulating the Hydraulic Loads on an Independent Metering
Valve”, Poster at the Meeting of the Center for Compact and
Efficient Fluid Power, Atlanta, GA, 2007.
Enes, A., Packard, W., 2005, “Design and Optimization of an
Autonomous, Roving Hazardous Materials Sampler”, Poster at the Idaho
Academy of Science, Nampa, ID. (2nd place, best poster award)
Engineering Mentor: Atlanta International School (FIRST Robot League), Westminster Schools (FIRST Lego League), Trinity Schools (Robotics Enrichment Course). 2006-2010.
Aaron Enes