Amir Shenouda

I am a PhD student in the Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech.  I started in the Intelligent Machine Dynamics Lab and Fluid Power Motion Control Center in the fall semester of 2003. I will be doing research on Quasi-Static Hydraulic Control Systems and Energy Savings Potential Using Independent Metering Four-Valve Assembly Configuration  that was introduced by HUSCO International.  I am also trying to pursue a master's in Electrical Engineering at Georgia Tech.


Amir Shenouda
Graduate Research Assistant
Intelligent Machine Dynamics Laboratory
School of Mechanical Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
J. Erskine Love Jr. Manufacturing Building (MRDC-II), Rm 208
771 Ferst Drive
Atlanta, GA  30332-0405
Tel: 404-385 1883
Fax: 404-894 8496



Mechanical Engineering

Georgia Tech

Dr. Wayne Book

Intelligent Machine Dynamics Laboratory

Last Updated on May 19, 2006