Lonnie Love
Lonnie Love received the B.S. and M.S. of Mechanical Engineering from
Old Dominion University, in 1988 and
1990 respectively. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the George W. Woodruff
School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech.
His dissertation topic is Adaptive Impedance Control. This work is motivated by advances
in the control of haptic interfaces and teleoperation of long reach, flexible
manipulators. His research interests include robotics, dynamics, vibration and controls.
Other professional interests include nonlinear and adaptive control, Digital Signal Processing
(integrated with controls), as well as robotics in medical simulation and training.
- L.Love, W.Book, "Contact Stability Analysisof Virtual Walls," submitted
to the 1995 ASME WAM, Nov. 12-17, 1995, San Francisco CA.
- L.Love, W.Book, "Environment Estimation for Enhanced Impedance Control," to be
presented at the 1995 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, May 21-27,
1995, Nagoya, Japan.
- L.Love, D.Magee, W.Book, "A Comparison of Joint Control Algorithms for
Teleoperated Pick and Place Tasks Using a Flexible Manipulator", Proceedings
of the 1994 IEEE Syst.,Man, and Cyber. Conf., San Antonio, Oct. 1994.
- L.Love, S.Dickerson, "Mechanical Systems Lab: A Real Life Approach to Teaching
Engineering", Proceedings of the 1994 ASME WAM, Chicago, IL. Nov. 1994.
- L.Love, W.Book, "Design and Control of a Multiple Degree of Freedom Haptic
Interface", Proceedings of the 1994 ASME WAM, Chicago, IL. Nov. 1994.
- W.Book, L.Love, M.Farah, "A Teleoperation Testbed for Nuclear Waste Restoration",
Proceedings of the 1994 Spectrum Conference, Atlanta, Aug. 1994.
- T.E. Alberts, E. Bayo, L. Love, H. Moulin, "Experiments in End Point Positioning
of a Flexible Manipulator Using Inverse Dynamics Approach and Passive Damping",
Proceedings of 1990 American Controls Conference, San Diego, 1990.
- L. Love, T.E. Alberts, D.I. Soloway, "A Versatile Real Time Robot Control
Architecture Using Off-the-Shelf General Purpose Components", Proceedings of
1990 ASME Computers in Mechanical Engineering, Boston, Aug. 1990.
- L.Love, A Detailed Analysis of Dynamic Robotic Simulation, M.S. Thesis,
Old Dominion University, February 1990.
Lonnie is currently experimenting with the Mr.Mom philosophy. His son, Matthew Ryan Love
was born October 10th, 1994.
Curriculum Vitae
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