I am a Graduate Student pursuing my Master's of Science in Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta GA.
I was born on March 2nd in Malaysia and attended Elementary and High School there.
I am a recipient of the Malaysian Public Service Department Scholarship for my Undergraduate and Graduate studies.
In May 2008, I graduated with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Georgia Tech.
Currently I am in my first year of graduate school in the Intelligent Machine Dynamics Laboratory (IMDL) at Georgia Tech. My advisor is Dr. Wayne J. Book, HUSCO/Ramirez Distinguished Chair in Fluid Power and Motion Control and will be working on the Digital Clay project for my thesis.
Cheng Shu Ngoo (Nicholas)
Graduate Research Assistant
Rm. 204 J. E. Love Jr. Manufacturing Bldg.
Intelligent Machine Dynamics Laboratory (IMDL)
George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
Office (404) 385-1882
Cell: (773) 988-3303
Email: nicholas.ngoo@gatech.edu